Our program
Our Lil Chefs program goal is to educate and empower kids & their families to make healthier food choices through hands-on learning with affordable fresh locally sourced food.
Each month they will learn how to prepare kid-tested recipes from local chefs & restaurants. At the end of each workshop each family will be able to:
Meal plan and create shopping lists
Shop mindfully by properly
reading labels & picking fresh items
Cook nutritious food and
share it with their family
Monthly Program Includes:
📃 Mindful grocery shopping
🥕 Meal planning & prepping family friendly recipes
👨🍳 LIVE cooking
😁 Gratitude exercise
🥄 Tasting
Program Requirements
Open to all children between the ages of 7 and 12 years old
At least one parent/adult must accompany the child
Completion of three monthly programs will be awarded official Project Lil Chefs Diploma.