Our why

In Florida, 1 out of 4 people are classified as obese and at risk for heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and depression.

33.1 % of children in Florida are considered either overweight or obese.

Empty calories from added sugars and solid fats contribute to 40% of daily calories for children and adolescents age 2–18 years—affecting the overall quality of their diets.

Most youth do not consume the recommended daily amount of water and vegetables.

Our Program

Malnourishment, overweight and obesity in children are associated with significant reductions in the quality of their lives and a greater risk of teasing, bullying and social isolation.

The most important strategies for preventing obesity in children are healthy eating behaviors and regular physical activity. Through our monthly family workshops we hope to provide a fun learning environment that will help them foster a healthy relationship to food. Our goal is to forever impact the eating habits of all of the families in Miami Dade County.

Our Goals

As a new organization our goal is to first connect & impact with all of the children in South Florida.

But our vision is to bring Project Lil Chefs to a global level.

2022/2023 Fundraising

GOAL $150,000

Restaurant Partner’s

GOAL is to have at least 8 in every city.

Lil Chef’s

GOAL is to host 960 children per month in each city.