Donate Today!

Every workshop consists of at least 12 local children.

Each Lil Chef costs $100 to host at each workshop.

That's just $3 a day per child

Could  you have one less cup of coffee to support our mission?

Your tax deductible donation's will directly go to hosting our program's on a monthly basis at each of our approved participating locations.

Each and every day, we work to teach our children how to make better food choices through our organization.

You’re a part of all of this, and with your donation, you’re already making a HUGE difference.

Levels Of Support

LiL Chef Fan Donor

Any financial donation towards our program.

Sous Chef Donor

$15 K Sponsors 1 partner location for year long programming.

Master Chef Donor

Michelin Star Donor

$50 K Sponsors 3 partner locations for year long programming.

$100 K Sponsors 7 partner locations for year long programming.